Seven Triangles
Honorable Mention (1st stage winner) - International Competition by UIA
The site of the New National Gallery and Ludwig Museum is located at the interface between the city center and the park and its shape is a triangular shape. We want to make the proposed building in harmony with nature as part of the park while being recognized well from the city. In other words, we try to design the place that actively absorbs and accommodates the surrounding environments like an open platform rather than a "landmark" or closed "white cube" separated from the context.
Site Plan
Ground Floor Plan
Exploded Axonometric
Transverse Section
Three triangular atrium covered by movable PV panels allow natural ventilation and sunlight so that comfortable indoor environment of the museum can be established and visitors can experience both natural elements and artifacts simultaneously. The boundary between the city and the park gradually blur through this museum and people thereby get a special experience like walking in the park filled with full of arts.
Project Information
Title: Seven Triangles
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Type: Museum - International Competition by UIA, Honorable Mention (1st stage winner)
Team: Yongsu Choung, Yuran Choi, Hyunjung Kim
Year: 2014